Behind the Mic: A Day in the Life of Lana and Sam
Hey, Well Read Baddies! 👋💕
Ever wondered what a typical day looks like for us? Between juggling our jobs, personal lives, and the podcast, things can get pretty hectic. But we wouldn’t have it any other way! Here’s a glimpse into a day in the life of Lana and Sam.
Work and Life Balance
Probably like many of you, our days usually start with a much-needed cup of coffee and social media scroll. Both of us have full-time jobs, so balancing work and the podcast can be a challenge. We often use our lunch breaks to brainstorm ideas, outline episodes, or even record quick segments. It’s all about maximizing our time and staying organized.
Recording Sessions: Laughter and Insights
Recording days are our favorite! We usually set aside a few hours to dive deep into our book discussions. There’s always a lot of laughter, a few bloopers, and some really insightful conversations. We love these moments because it’s when we get to be our most authentic selves and connect with you all.
Editing and Post-Production
Once we’ve recorded an episode, it’s time for editing which is Lana’s territory. This part can be a bit tedious, but it’s crucial to ensure the quality of our podcast. We split the tasks, including but not limited to social media planning, blog writing, website updates and more, to make it more manageable and keep the process efficient.
Evening Wind Down: Reading and Relaxation
After a busy day, we love a good rot session. We use this time to either unwind with a good book (of course!), scroll through socials again, or do some exercise like going for a walk or to the gym. It’s our time to relax and recharge, and often these moments inspire new ideas for the podcast.
Engaging with Our Community
We love connecting with our listeners, whether it’s through social media, emails, or our blog. Hearing your thoughts and feedback is what keeps us motivated and inspired. It’s a reminder of why we started this podcast in the first place.
Running She Well Read is a labor of love, and we wouldn’t trade it for anything. Thank you for being a part of our journey and making it all worthwhile!
Lana and Sam